Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Been a while....

I haven't written anything in a while because I haven't been doing much. As the end of the semester of school that just ended I had a ton of school work. Lots of assignments , final projects and group work to do and some tests as well so I wasn't going to the gym. I was sitting a lot and eating crap and staying up really late.

I did end up going for a run on the treadmill yesterday and I want to go again tomorrow. My gym is closing for the holidays on the 22nd I think. So I wont be going to do that for a little while. Probably not until the new year.

Until then ill try to not go crazy eating. Lots of stress is off because I did pretty good in school and go into my final semester soon. Stress now is coming because money is really tight. I've been trying to get EI for 3 or so months now but my last employer has been holding me up because she claims I stole her equipment. I didn't.

Anyway I hope that gets dealt with soon. That would take a bunch of stress off.

I did do a part time job in the beginning of the school year but they started making me work 6 days a week and when id ask for days off because I'm a student they never did. So I had to quit so that I was up until 5 am every day doing homework and having to get to class by 8 am.

Right now my big issue is my sleep pattern in way off. I'm up until about 5 am then I sleep till noon then do stuff and pass out around 6 pm until 8 or 9 then I'm up until 5 am again. Might need to get some pills to help me sleep and get back to normal.

Hope to do another treadmill run tomorrow....

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